KD6RRR Erik Jorgensen
4751 Bellm Dr Spc 208, Klamath Falls OR 97603 CN92DE
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Mobile (541) 331-3668 | Shack- (541) 887-8789 | HH 12547 | HOIP 100096
K-BAR-A Leadership: President
ARRL Leadership: Volunteer Examiner
Amateur Radio Interests: HF/VHF/UHF/SHF, DMR/Fusion/D-STAR/P25, ARISS/HamSats, AREDN, VoIP, APRS, EmComm, QRP, Talking too much and too fast on the air.
KK6GXG Jonathan “Jon” Wanzer
2731 Altamont Dr., Klamath Falls, OR 97603 CN92DE
email hidden; JavaScript is required | Winlink | KK6GXG@KK6GXG.#SOR.OR.USA.NOAM
Mobile (408) 515-3583 | VoIP (541) 205-9909 | HH 12365 | HOIP 100094
ARRL Leadership: Instructor, Volunteer Examiner
Amateur Radio Interests: AREDN, VoIP, packet, APRS, EmComm, public service, scratch/kit build, Elmer, Repeater
KK7AZD Cyndi Albro
Chiloquin by Agency Lake, Oregon CN92BM
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Mobile (541) 363-7363 | HH 6100001191 | HOIP 100097
K-BAR-A Committee: SOARexpo
ARRL Leadership: Volunteer Examiner
Amateur Radio Interests: EmComm, public service, ARES, Hamword, listening, discovering what’s out in the ham world and what I like to learn more about
KK7DRL Walt Costa
2027 White Ave., Klamath Falls OR 97601 CN92DE
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Mobile (541) 810-1745 | HH 6100001189 | HOIP 100387
Amateur Radio Interests: HF/VHF/UHF, DMR/Fusion/C4FM/WIRES X, ARES, AREDN, APRS, VoIP