Welcome to W7VW Klamath Basin Amateur Radio Association
Are you new to amateur radio? All new Hams get the first year of Club Dues Free! This complimentary membership allows new hams to participate in club events but not vote. Club dues are $25 per year and paid annually on your anniversary date. Paid membership helps fund club events such as Field Day and the club picnic as well as repeater site maintenance. Email the club secretary for more information and to sign up.
KBARA meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM in the community meeting room behind Washington Federal on South 6th Street, across the street from Black Bear Diner. 5215 S 6th St, Klamath Falls, OR 97603
Our weekly radio NET is on our Hamaker repeater, 146.850 MHz , Negative Offset, and a CTCSS tone of 118.8Hz, at 7 PM every Wednesday.
Every Monday at 11 AM you are invited to join members for lunch at the Abby’s Pizza at 1919 Austin Street in Klamath Falls. We also get together for breakfast on Tuesday mornings, 7:30am at Red Rooster – 3608 S 6th St, Klamath Falls, OR 97603.
The club hosts a discussion board on Groups.IO https://groups.io/g/k-bar-a the group is open to members and anyone interested in becoming a member. This is the best place for up to date information. When you subscribe to the feed, you will receive an email when an announcement goes out for meeting reminders and events.
If you are not yet a member and would like to join us, please send us an email requesting access!
For more information about the club, feel free to look through the website as well as visit our Facebook page.
We hope to hear you on the air soon, and 73!